贷款号: 7580-CN
招标编号:0703- 0710CIC1E123
- 1. 根据联合国发展门户网“www.dgmarket .com”2007年7月31日在线刊登的本项目总采购通告进行此次招标。
- 2. 中华人民共和国政府将从国际复兴开发银行 (以下简称世界银行)获得一笔贷款用于支付中国内河项目——赣江石虎塘航电枢纽工程项目的费用,并计划将贷款的部分用于灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组及其附属设备采购合同(G1)项下的合格支付。
- 3. 中仪国际招标公司 (买方代理)受赣江石虎塘航电枢纽工程项目建设办公室(买方)委托,邀请合格投标人就下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:
- 4. 本次招标采用世行采购指南规定的国际竞争性招标程序,面向在采购指南中定义的所有合格国家的投标人。
- 5. 有兴趣的合格投标人可在下述地址得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。
地址: 江西省南昌市沿江北大道140号
电话: 0791-6823731
传真: 0791-6812936
联系人: 熊东亮、林石
邮编: 100055
电话: 010-63348263
传真: 010-63373645
- 6. 投标人的资格要求:
<1> 年均营业额:过去3年平均年营业额不低于2000万美元。
<1>(i) 若投标人为设备制造商:必须提供材料证明其近10年内设计、制造过2台套单机容量不小于20MW,水轮机转轮直径不小于7m,在开标之日前已经成功运行时间不少于6个月的灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组。
(ii) 若投标人为代理商:必须提供材料证明其近5年内完成过不少于1个灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组项目,合同金额不少于3700万美元,且其代理的设备制造商必须满足上面(i)的业绩条件。
<2> 质量保证体系:投标人应具有与ISO9001标准相一致或与其同等的质量保证体系。
- 7. 有兴趣的投标人可在2009年4月27日起 9:00(北京时间)-16:00在北京市西三环中路90号通用技术大厦505房间购买招标文件.
- 8. 所有投标文件应于2009年6月23日北京时间上午10时之前递交,并须附有500万元人民币或等值货币的投标保证金,不允许递交电子投标文件。同时在江西省南昌公共资源交易中心公开开标。
电话: 0086-791-6823731
传真: 0086-791-6812936
联系人姓名: 熊东亮、林石
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
The People’s Republic of China
JiangxiShihutang Navigation and Hydropower Complex Project on Ganjiang River
Loan Number: 7580-CN
Contract G1: Supply of Bulb-Type Tubular Turbine Generator Set and Appurtenant Equipment
ICB BID No.: 0703-0710CIC1E123
1. This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that issued in Development Gateway Foundation (www.dgmarket.com), July, 31, 2007.
2. The People’s Republic of China has received a loan from the World Bank toward the cost of Jiangxi Shihutang Navigation and Hydropower Complex Project on Ganjiang River, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract G1 for Supply of Bulb-Type Tubular Turbine Generator Set and Appurtenant Equipment.
3. The Instrimpex International Tendering Company now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for Bulb-Type Tubular Turbine Generator Set and Appurtenant Equipment, six (6) sets. The contract covers the supply of goods (Bulb-Type Tubular Turbine Generator and Appurtenant Equipment, 6(six) sets) and Related Services (installation supervision, commissioning, transportation, technical services and training)
4. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, and is open to all bidders from Eligible Countries as defined in the Guidelines.
5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information as following:
The Employer: Shihutang Navigation and Hydropower Complex Project Management Office of Jiangxi Provincial Communication Department
Attention: Mr. Xiong Dongliang
Address: Room 401, No. 140, Yanjiang North Road, Nanchang
ZIP Code: 330006
Telephone: 0086-791-6823731
Facsimile: 0086-791-6812936
E-mail: shihutang@126.com
The Procurement Agency: Instrimpex International Tendering Company
Attention: Ms. Dai Yue, Mr. Lu WuShen
Address: Room1606, Genertec Plaza, No. 90 Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Beijing
Zip Code: 100055
Telephone: 86-10-63348263
Facsimile: 86-10-63373645
E-mail: luwushen@gtc.genertec.com.cn
6. Qualifications requirements include:
(a) The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence that it meets the following financial requirements:
1. Annual turnover: average annual turnover in the last 3 years is no less than 20 million USD.
2. Cash flow (including credit of lines offered by the bidder’s bank for this project): average annual cash flow in the last 3 years plus credit of lines is no less than 5 million USD.
(b)The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that it meets the following experience requirement(s):
1. (i)If the Bidder is Manufacturer, the bidder shall prove that in the last ten years it has designed and manufactured at least 2 sets of bulb hydro-generating unit with stand-alone capacity no less than 20MW, hydro turbine wheel diameter being no less than 7m, successful runtime no less than 6 months prior to the date of bid opening.
(ii) If the Bidder is an agent for manufactures, the bidder shall prove that in the last five years it has executed at least one contract providing bulb hydro-generating unit with contract sum not less than USD37 million or equivalent. His Manufacturer should meet the Criteria above.
2. Quality assurance system: Being consistent with ISO9001 or its equivalent.
7. All those who are willing to participate the bid are kindly requested to contact Instrimpex International Tendering Company to obtain bidding documents between 9:00 AM --16:00 PM (Beijing time) at the following address from April 27, 2009 (Saturday, Sundays and holidays except), upon non-refundable payment of RMB 1000 for one complete set of bidding documents. For mail order, an extra RMB 300 should be added, but the Procurement Agency will be irresponsible for the loss of mail.
Room 505(contact person Mr. Ren Ju), Genertec Plaza, No.90 Xi-San-Huan Zhonglu, Beijing 100055, China
Account Name: Instrimpex International Tendering Company
Account: 110060239018002343611
Bank: Bank Of Communications,Fu-Cheng-Men-Wai Branch
8. Bids must be delivered before 10:00AM, June 23, 2009(Beijing Time). At 10:00AM, June 23, 2009(Beijing Time), Bids will be opened at the following address. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security, amount to RMB5, 000,000 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at.
The bids submission and opening shall take place at:
Address: Public Resource Business Center of Nanchang City, No 1318 of Fenghezhong Road , Honggutan New District,Nanchang City ,Jiangxi Province ,China
Telephone: 0086-791-6823731
Facsimile: 0086-791-6812936
Contact Person: Mr. Xiong Dongliang